人物:individual;adolescents或teenagers(青少年)player boy ;elders
动作:the elders become burdens to be kicked around by their sons and daughters like a football.
(1) 解释该主题词在汉语里是什么意思:孝养、尊敬年老的父母
(2) 将复杂汉语转换为简单汉语:照顾年老的父母、尊敬老人
(3) 将简单汉语翻译为简单英语: attend或 take tender care of aged 或 look after parents, show reverence 或 respect for the elderly
(4) 可以简要描述为a traditional Chinese virtue inherited from generations to generations(世代继承的中华传统美德)或filial piety或love toward parents或love and devotion to one's parents
动作:the flower is growing in full bloom in a comfortable greenhouse ,however ,when removed from the greenhouse and exposed to the driving rain ,the flower soon fades;
(1) 解释该主题词在汉语里是什么意思:娇惯孩子
(2) 将复杂汉语转换为简单汉语:过于疼爱孩子
(3) 将简单汉语翻译为简单英语: excessive love 或 care of children, loving或caring children too much
(4) 可以简要描述为dedicating excessive love 或 care on children to prevent them from hardships (过于疼爱、关爱孩子,生怕孩子受苦)
漫画之物:hot pot=disk including different eastern and western cultures;
(1) 分清该主题词属于哪个门类:炊具 (cooking tool)
(2) 弄清该主题词的特点以及该门类的共性: 中国传统炊具,盛着沸水 (traditional Chinese cooking tool with boiling water)
(3) 将该门类的特点翻译成简单易懂的英语:a traditional Chinese cooking tool with boiling water and mixed culture(一种盛着沸水,融合着多种文化的中国传统炊具);cultural integration或cultural blending或cultural mix。
(3) 将不同词性的中文表达翻译成简单易懂的英语:addiction to the mobile phones(对手机成瘾), excessive dependence 或reliance on cell phones(过度依赖手机), obsession with mobile phones(对手机狂热), binge on cell phones(对手机狂热)being addictive或obsessed with portable phones(过度依赖移动电话), indulge oneself in smart phones(沉迷于智能手机)